The story of Spinning Wheel Yosemite begins with a family camping trip in 1980. Peter and Bettike Barsotti brought their four children to a place near Yosemite owned by friends. The Barsottis immediately felt a deep connection to this land and soon purchased it and two rustic cabins on the grounds as a family retreat.
The land was originally the home of Miwok Indians, who left a visible legacy in the form of chaw’se – holes in the granite rock which were created by grinding acorns, a staple of the natives’ diet. Peter and Bettike’s children – Dharma, Jessica, Corinna, and Matthew – spent about six months a year running wild, collecting arrowheads, swinging from ropes, and climbing the massive oaks that dotted the property.
Spinning Wheel provided the Barsotti family with a beautiful natural setting, all the room the kids needed to frolic, and proximity to the majestic Tuolumne River. But Peter and Bettike had a vision for the place that reflected their creative backgrounds. Both worked for Bill Graham Presents producing rock shows – Peter was Bill’s creative director and was the genius behind many of the elaborate sets featured at BGP concerts.
Peter brought the vision to reality through his creativity, his Buddhist philosophy and his love of history. He was an avid collector of stones – hundreds of them that would later become the façade for several of the current buildings at Spinning Wheel. Most importantly, he understood how to meld his ideas with the natural beauty that surrounded him at Spinning Wheel.
Bettike’s experience arranging hospitality for BGP was a professional outlet for her nurturing spirit. Tending to people, animals, and plants was her calling and is reflected in the landscaping and the harmonious coexistence with the natural surroundings of Spinning Wheel.
As the years passed, more changes came. Additional property on the opposite bank of the river was purchased and more homes were built and rented out to guests. A swimming pool was added and both Dharma and Matthew contributed carved wood sculptures to the grounds.
Sadly, Bettike died in a car accident in 2004. In her honor, the family built a pagoda, called the Codo, that now serves as chapel and meditation room. Peter passed away from cancer in 2012, leaving the next generation of Barsottis to carry on.
The following year, the Rim Fire spread over 400 square miles of the Sierra Nevada region. The damage to Spinning Wheel was severe, link attached But out of this disaster came a commitment to rebuild and recreate the beauty, peacefulness, and sense of closeness with nature that makes Spinning Wheel truly a magical place.
Today, Spinning Wheel Yosemite is owned and managed by Dharma Barsotti and his partner Eliote Durham, along with their extended family of delightful dogs and beloved bunnies. Dharma and Eliote invite you to enjoy the unique Yosemite experience that is Spinning Wheel Yosemite.
Located just 10 minutes from the Stanislaus National Park and the Yosemite National Park, our lodging rental properties are ideal for your hiking, biking, rock climbing, rafting, or just plain relaxing vacations or get aways. We’re perfect for couples or big groups. Lots of activities very close by.
Located just 10 minutes from the Stanislaus National Park and the Yosemite National Park, our vacation lodging rental properties are ideal for your hiking, biking, rock climbing, rafting, or just plain relaxing vacations or get aways. We’re perfect for couples or big groups. Lots of activities very close by. |